Directors & Officers Liability Insurance (D&O)

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance is insurance payable to the directors and officers of a company, or to the corporation itself, to cover damages or defence costs in the event they are sued for wrongful acts while they were with that company.

Typical sources of claims include shareholders, shareholder-derivative actions, customers, regulators, competitors (for anti-trust or unfair trade practice allegations).

D&O insurance is usually purchased by the company itself, even when it is for the sole benefit of directors and officers. Reasons for doing so are many, but commonly would assist a company in attracting and retaining directors.

Our D&O products are tailored for specific professions, whether they be ‘traditional’ professions, such as architects, engineers, accountants and surveyors, or emerging professions like technology and media, or those operating under the DLT framework.

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance is just one of the many product lines we offer. At Masbro, we have been offering our valued clients the best personalised & customised insurance solutions for over 35 years.
To request a tailored Directors & Officers Liability Insurance quote please call +35020076434 or email

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    Directors & Officers Insurance